welcome to my blog

welcome to my blog

Kamis, 02 Desember 2010


Appointment is tell about agreement for meeting it is good to make an appointment before you meet someone or people.
Making an Appointment
I’d like to make an appointment with Kristian
I want to make an appointment to see…
I’d like you to come and see…
Can’t I come see you?
I’ll be there
What about….(thank you)
Accepting an Appointment
All right, see you there
No problem, I’m free on….(Thursday)
Be there on time
I’ll wait for you
It’s a deal
Changing an Appointment
What about…(Thursday at 04.00 p.m.)
Is that ok, if we meet at…
Well, I must be off now. I’ll talk to you later!
Could we change the schedule of the meeting?
Do you have another time this afternoon?
Canceling an Appointment
I’m terrible sorry I have to put off my appointment
I’m sorry, I’m very busy
I’m afraid I have to postpone my appointment with…(Dr.Stephen Tong) tomorrow morning

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